Monday, December 5, 2011

FDR's New Deal

On my last history test we were asked to write an essay explaining how revolutionary FDR's "New Deal" was in the 1930's and how it affected the way we as Americans now view government. I thought I would share my thoughts with you all. So, here is the essay: 

The New Deal was a very revolutionary idea for it’s day. Up until that point in time, government had been small, the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be. Americans expected very little from the government, preferring to run their own lives and make their own luck. The New Deal changed all of that. FDR came in with all of his programs, touting the need for progress and change and made government a huge part of the average American’s everyday life. 
In his first 100 days in office, FDR worked with Congress to pass many reforms. He took the economy off the gold standard. He passed the Emergency Banking Act, creating a system for reopening sound banks with Federal backing. Several employment programs were created, such as FERA, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and WPA, the Works Progress Administration. These programs gave jobs to men and women who needed work. Men were generally given non-skilled manual labor jobs, like construction. Women were generally given sewing and domestic work. There were also branches of programs that created jobs for artists and musicians. Authors were hired to document folklore and stories from ex-slaves. Rural projects aimed to help farmers and those living in rural areas. FDR’s administration tried to stimulate the farming economy by artificially raising the prices of goods through intentional scarcity. The administration paid farmers not to raise crops. FDR also repealed prohibition and raised taxes. 
FDR’s administration wanted more people to own houses, so they created two new agencies, the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation and the Federal Housing Administration. This increased the number of homeowners by making it easier to obtain loans. Within forty years of these agencies being put into place, two-thirds of all Americans were homeowners. 
When FDR walked into the White House, he inherited a country in deep crisis. Unemployment was up to close to 20%. People were desperate and willing to try anything that would give them a hand up. However, the changes that FDR and the New Deal made didn’t really help in the first place, and dramatically changed the way that Americans see government in the second. It took a second world war to stimulate the economy. All the New Deal really accomplished was creating bigger government at a time when it would be easy to get Americans to swallow it. Instead of wanting and expecting a small government that kept it’s nose out of our affairs, Americans now expect Big Brother to come in a take care of us. Instead of knowing that we have to work hard to earn our comfortable lives, Americans now expect the government to come in and hand them whatever they want on a silver platter. 

We need to be aware of our history. In the 1930's,  our country went through horrible economic times, and a liberal president came in under the guise of "helping" and made government a bigger part of our everyday lives. Today, that is happening again. A liberal president is now governing our country touting "hope and change". But his idea of hope and change is making government even bigger and more involved in our lives. It may not feel like it, but these liberals and progressives are patient. The take one step at a time, slowly encroaching on our freedom until out freedom is gone. One piece of legislation that regulates something in our lives may not seem like a bug deal. Maybe a little annoying, but we can deal with it, if it makes Joe down the street a little happier. But the problem is, with every little victory the progressives get bolder and want more. They are not going to stop until they control every little aspect of our lives. We cannot let this happen! If you value your freedom, want to see your children enjoy the comforts of living in our great country, then you need to do something. Take a stand and do not back down. There can be no compromise. Because if we bend just a little, we will break. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today is Thanksgiving. The day America sets aside every year for family, food and football games. Amidst all the Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy and Potatoes, we might set aside five, maybe ten minutes at the most to remember things that we are thankful for.
A new car.
Another year of school under our belts.
Enough food to eat.
But have we ever sat down and actually thought about what this day really means?
Thanksgiving. Giving Thanks.
This begs the question, to whom? Who are we thanking for being able to eat so much food that we all pass out by the end of the day? Our founders set aside a national holiday for giving thanks to God for all of the blessings that He has showered down on us and our nation.
Another year of life.
Today was originally a day set aside for prayer and thanksgiving to God for His gracious provision and protection. But that is not what it is now. Most Americans spend today watching football while fighting off a food coma and trying to avoid those pesky relatives that love to get in their lives. We are blessed to live in a country where we have more than enough food to eat; most of us have somewhere to sleep and warm clothes to wear. God has richly blessed our country, but most of us are trying to cut Him out of the equation. This has become more and more apparent to me the more Holiday seasons I live through. We have made Thanksgiving about eating as much as humanly possible and Christmas about getting as much as possible.
I know that it is now the end of Thanksgiving day. Most of us have already eaten dinner, hung out with our families and watched the game. But Thanksgiving doesn't have to be once a year. Make everyday a day of Thanksgiving. Count your blessings and thank God for His blessings everyday of the year.
God has blessed us and allowed us to be born into a time and a country where we have the freedom to worship Him openly. Do not take this for granted. The privileges that we enjoy could be taken away in a heartbeat. Overnight.
As we enter into the Holiday season, let us enjoy our families and the fun that the season brings. But let us not forget Who this season really is about. Let us be sober minded, remembering that even if we are going through tight financial times and are considered "poor" by our government's standards, we are still some of the richest people in the world. Let us be thankful for what we have, even if it is not a lot, even if we have lost a lot, even if it is less than we are used to. Let us enjoy and take advantage of our freedom of worship by openly sharing what God has done in our lives, knowing that we could wake up tomorrow and find that freedom gone.
I will end this night by thanking God for His love and grace. For sending His Son down to earth, taking up the form of a man to die the most cruel and painful death ever contrived, all for my sins. Thanking God for giving me a second chance at life. For making me a new person, and giving me a new purpose.  For giving me a heart to love, eyes to see and mind to think. May I never take these gifts for granted.
What are you thankful for tonight?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Standing with Israel

Our world is going through a period of rapid and chaotic change. Socialists, Communists, and Muslim Extremists are working hard together to destroy capitalism, freedom and democracy. More specifically, they are working together to destroy America and Israel. In such tumultuous, uncertain times, it is imperative that we as Americans clearly define what our values and who our friends are and then solidly stand by them. 
America has long been a beacon on a hill. The shining example of freedom and democracy, and from our birth, there have been nations who want to destroy us and nations that want befriend and emulate us. One nation that seeks our friendship is Israel. 
With much of the Middle East in turmoil, and most of the Muslim countries shouting for the death of America, we need to protect and defend ourselves, but who can we trust and depend on? Turkey? Iran? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? No, they are the ones who are shouting for our death. But, surrounded by all these hate filled voices, there is one country in the Middle East who extends the hand of friendship and peace to America. That country is Israel.
A tiny country in the Middle East whose neighbors are clamoring for her death. She is our sister nation. We are founded on the same Judeo-Christian principles and we both have similar democratic governments whose purpose is to preserve freedom. As such, we are the polar opposites of the dictatorial regimes that are governing most of the Middle East. The Muslim extremists who are governing countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia are working hard to put into place a caliphate, or kalifah, which is basically taking over the world so that the entire world is an Islamic empire. One by one, each of the countries in the Middle East are falling prey to this caliphate, and it is spreading beyond the Middle East. After the revolution in Egypt this last spring, Egypt is being run by the Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist organization, and with every country they control, they grow bolder and more greedy for land and power. They are now calling for an end to Israel. 
We cannot let this happen! Israel is the only country in the Middle East who stands for democracy. If she falls, we are next. We need to stand with Israel. We need to support her in her lonely stand for freedom. 
 If we don’t, we will fall. America will cease to be a great nation, we will lose our democracy and become like all the other nations in history who have stood against Israel. Throughout history, there have been people who have tried to wipe the Jewish nation off the face of the earth. Every time they have failed. Several have gotten close, like Hitler with the Holocaust, but in the end they were defeated and Israel came out stronger. History proves that Israel’s enemies will, in the end, be defeated and cut off. History also shows us that the nations that befriend and help Israel will be blessed and prosperous. I believe that this is why we have been a great nation. From the beginning we have supported Israel. But now, we are divided and pulling away from her.  As we do this, we are losing our greatness. We need to draw back to Israel and stand with her, even if every other nation in the world is calling for her death. 
What can we do? We aren’t politicians or policy makers. What can the average citizen do to support Israel? First, we need to remember it only takes one voice to effect a change. It takes one voice saying something until another one joins it and then another until we are a million voices strong. Secondly, we need to educate ourselves. Read up on history, read up on current events. Research what is going on around you in the world and then form an educated opinion. Form convictions and stick to them. Then, make your voice heard. Vote for leaders who will stand with Israel. Write a blog, share your thoughts and tell your friends. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The US in WWI

My History class finished learning about World War 1 a couple weeks ago, and we had a test, part of which was an essay. One of the essay questions was "Do you agree that we (America) should have entered WW1? Why or why not". This blog post is going to be my answer to this question. Most of it will be directly from the essay I wrote, but I may expand or condense certain ideas to make sure my point gets across.
So, let's start by getting one thing out of the way. I absolutely do NOT agree the the United States should have entered World War One.
Why? Well, for starters, this war started as a small territorial squabble that exploded into an all out fight for domination in Europe. This dispute was none of our business. We had no good, valid reason to sail all the way across the Atlantic to tip the scale of a war, the outcome of which wouldn't really affect us. Yes, Americans in general are Anglo-Philes (Lovers of the English), therefore popular sympathy was with England and her allies. And yes, the German's use of unrestricted warfare was annoying, but they had good reason - we were feeding and supplying her enemies, helping England in any non-combat way that we could. The fact that America's trade interest was in jeopardy is a side effect of any war. We should have traded equally or not at all. The strong popular sympathy with Britain is understandable. We were, after all, British before we declared independance. However, I believe that this sympathy clouded the judgement of our leaders at the time. Would it really have affected America that much if Germany had won the war? I contest that it wouldn't have. Not to mention the consequences. I think that it is safe to say that the bloodbath of World War 2 would not have happened if America had minded her own business and stayed home. Hitler never would have been able to gain power if Germany had won World War 1 and millions of lives would have been saved.
Well, that is my opinion on this event in history. Now, it's your turn. Do the homework. Research World War 1. Read books about it. Google it. Think about it. Form an opinion. But make sure it's your opinion, something that you have thought of yourself, something that you believe in, something that you would be willing to stand for and by. Don't let it be something that someone has told you, even if you think it is right. Make sure you know it is right and can defend it. There are enough mindless idiots in the world who just regurgitate what is being fed to them. Don't be one of them, be the one who dares to stand up and stand out, even if you are standing alone.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hand-Up vs. Hand-Out

So, I have been learning about the Great Depression in my History class this week. My professor said something interesting tonight that got me thinking. Talking about Herbert Hoover and his "hands-off" approach to dealing with the crisis caused by the Stock Market Crash, my professor said that Hoover was willing to give people a hand-up, but not a hand-out. I honestly have no idea what my professor's political views are, but I found it interesting that he felt the need to make sure that the distinction between the two concepts was pointed out. There is a HUGE difference between a hand-up and a hand-out.
A hand-up gives someone who is going through rough times enough help to get over the hump. It gives them a boost up out of the ditch and gives them the tools to continue climbing the ladder, gradually weaning them off of assistance until they are completely back on their feet.
Conversely, a hand-out is just enough help to keep someone's head above water so they won't drown, but not enough to pull them out of the deep water to stand on their own. Hand-outs keep people static, at a stand still, not getting worse per se, but definitely not growing or getting any better. Government hand-outs give no incentive to better oneself. On the contrary, they often give people an excuse not to better themselves. There is little to no weaning process, it is hot and cold. The minute you make a dollar more than the maximum income allowed, you get penalized. The assistance gets cut off flat, instead of slowly being reduced until you no longer need it at all. With this policy, the incentive is to stay right where one is, making enough to get by but little enough that the maximum allowable income is not reached.
Government can, and in times of great necessity, probably should give a hand-up but never a hand-out. However, our government is doing just the opposite. It is giving hand-outs right and left. But the problem is, these hand-outs aren't really helping people, they are keeping people stuck in the rut and then penalizing them for trying to climb back out. This is not the way it should be! America is the land of the industrious, the innovators, the entrepreneurs. When someone hits low times, it is always encouraging to have a little help that will ensure they won't starve, but no one really wants to be on assistance; they want to stand on their own two feet and make a name for themselves. So, how do we fix the system? Or can it even be fixed? What do you think?